Dear [Developer] Mobile keyboard blocks writing space
2020/11/13 09:48
조회수: 191


First of all, thank you for the updates, we all truely appreciate them.

So, some of the users experienced some difficulty making postings with their phone, as their mobile keyboard blocks and hides the text they are writing. This happens probably because keyboard pop up failed to automatically push the writing space up. So they have to rearrange the angle to be able to see what they are typing. But that rearrangement often makes us accidentally click on another button, which makes us lose everything we were writing. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Could you please take care of this issue? This happens for both sngall and beegall classic skin.

Thank you!


모바일 글쓰기 환경에서 자판이 글쓰기 창을 가리는 현상에 대해서 문의함 

code: [4b295]
목록 Gift


code: [e05af] - 2020/11/13 10:09

그거 창 전체 스크롤? 올리면 올라가더라 그런데 좀 불편한 건 사실임 ㅠㅠ

permalink 삭제 gift
code: [Admin] - 2020/11/13 15:37

Hello I will try to fix it

permalink 삭제 gift
