Dear [Developer] Embedding pictures from other hosting serve
2020/11/13 02:52
조회수: 619


A lot of users have reported that they have some problem posting large image files here. Our fan activity is heavily reliant on high-quality pictures, so we needed to find some way of bypassing the size limit of imgur here. So a lot of users tried to post pictures on their own imgur account (we can somehow upload bigger pictures this way) and embedding it here using that triangle in a circle button (like play button). But that button only recognizes urls that end with .jpg .png or such. Imgur pics don't have such url. Would it be possible to allow imgur (or such urls) for that button? 


Thank you! 

code: [1389d]
목록 Gift


code: [Admin] - 2020/11/13 06:52

Hello, I saw many post about this. The reason of why we are using a hosting server is because saving image/gif/video on a server is really really expensive. And I earn no money with beegall and sngall. You can have the extension at the end of url for imgur with a right-click (for pc/mac) or holding on the photo for mobile. And then click on copy the url of the image. I know it's a bit annoying to do but it can be a temporary solution until I make it possible to allow imgur for that button

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code: [3aea6] - 2020/11/13 06:55

Hi! I totally understand using a hosting server on our gall, as I've been here from the beginning and I also explained new users about it. And thanks for the info. I didn't know we can gain direct image url that way. I'll inform the new users. :)

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